Sunday, March 25, 2007

Senate Bill 20 and House Bill 4438

Arts Legislation Needs Your Support

Take Action and Be Heard...

SPECIAL BULLETIN ArtServe Michigan, GRAAND: GrassRoots Arts Advocacy Network is proposing legislation to create a special purpose liquor license for the arts and cultural clients of the Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs has been introduced by Senator Buzz Thomas (Senate Bill 20) and Representative Bettie Cook-Scott (House Bill 4438).
Senator Thomas and Representative Bettie Cook-Scott are looking for letters of support to help make their case. The legislature will act on this legislation only if the arts and cultural community shows its support. For more info., check out........
Letters must be mailed to:
Senator Buzz Thomas;Attention: Kris Young; PO Box 30036; Lansing, MI 48909
Representative Bettie Cook-ScottAttention: John Shaski; PO Box 30014; Lansing, MI 48909