Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Featured Artist Carole Fletcher

Over the next few months we are going to be featuring the different artists at the Sunday Artisan Market. The enteries are in their own words.

Carole Fletcher, Photography, The Sunday Artisan Market

Never in a million years did I imagine a photography workshop trip into the Okefenokee swamp in 1994 would end up leading me down the wonderful, wacky path of photography. To paraphrase one of my photography friends from this trip, “I went into the swamp with four men, and came out a changed woman.” Changed indeed with a love for photography and to the magnificent artwork that surrounds us daily but goes unseen by most--the beauty of nature.
During the next few years, I attended at least one photography workshop a year which offered a wide-range of opportunities to see many magnificent areas of the good ole USA. From the sands and monuments of southwest to the lush green mountains of northwest, the everglades and abundance of flowers in the southlands, to wilds of Alaska and ultimately a marvelous sailboat photography outing in the San Juan Islands off the coast of Washington. I was hooked.
Then came a few exhibits, and ultimately retirement in 1998 from the UM to work in a gallery in Kentucky. Upon returning to Ann Arbor, I applied for the Farmers Market, and enjoyed very much socializing with the “producers” and “artists.” Then ultimately became a member of the Artisan Market in 2001 -- and, now I can mingle with a marvelous unique group of artists. Even on a day when no dollars come my way, it’s just “plain fun” spending the day with so many creative folks.
Over the years the Artisan Market has provided a marvelous opportunity to share my photography with folks strolling through the market, encouraging others to “go ahead and try it out” one never knows, sharing information with other artists, and just plain feeling the creative energy that is abound in the market atmosphere. Being a board member of the market also affords me the opportunity to meet and assist new artists who come to the market to “try it out.” Sometimes the market can be an ever changing affair with new daily artists attending market to complement those who are annuals and come almost every week. So, I would encourage folks to “come on down and check us out” -- the perfect item may be waiting for you.
Added to having a love for photography, I’m a childcare provider for the Lakewood Elementary aftercare program where each spring and fall I host a “photography special” for the children. We start out with just watching the clouds and seeing what there is to see - then off to the woods to discover the wonders of nature. In addition, we do a lot of art work and this year will be doing an exhibit at the Artisan Market on Sunday, 5/18/08 featuring art projects using recyclable items. To date, we have made magazine holders out of cereal boxes, purses out of egg cartons, and hanging planters.
So then, kick back, relax and enjoy the beauty of nature. Plus, come on down to market and check out the unique, diversified art and mingle with the artists. Good times for all.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Next Vendor's Meeting

Just a reminder that the next Vendor's meeting is this coming Sunday, May 4th. We will meet shortly after the Sunday Artisan Market closes at 4:00. We always give people time to close up shop and put things away. With May our year will really start to pick up. Yes, even more fun than the last month! So, if you can, please plan on staying after market for the meeting. Nope, I haven't seen the agenda yet. Sorry, but we are trying very hard this year to make these meetings about you, the vendors and about how we all can make this year's Artisan Market the most fun and prosperous yet.

Spring is moving quickly

Hi there, Jane here.

I am scrambling and laughing at the same time. I can't believe how quickly April has come and now, almost gone. It was a really exciting month for Ann Arbor's Sunday Artisan Market. Opening Day, on April 6th, was a perfect Spring day and we had lots of vendors and and lots of customers. April has traditionally been a slow month, perfect for getting booths and product organized and set to go for the rest of the year. But, at least this year, we started off with a bang.

Perhaps too much of a bang because Michigan's winter weather returned the following Sunday. There were 16 brave vendors and a few sturdy customers all thinking very hard about sunny skies and blooming flowers. That must have worked because the following Sunday was gorgeous and the Sunday Artisan Market was packed with both vendor's and customers!! Who knew the difference that 6 short days could make. I believe that if I lived in some place with more predictable weather I'd probably be bored in no time. Actually, I once lived in Southern California and I found my self getting up each morning complaining about "another blankity blank crystal clear morning." So I guess it's a good thing I live in Michigan. Never boring here.

And I can say the same thing about the Artisan Market, it's never boring either. Each Sunday is a little different. Already, we have a core group of almost 50 annual vendors, most of whom are at the market almost every Sunday. On top of that we have another 15 to 20 "Daily" vendors who come to the market as their schedules allow. Our customers range from locals to neighbors from close by counties to way-out-of-towners. One group last weekend was from Italy. I suspect visiting the Artisan Market was not their main reason for being in Ann Arbor, but they all seemed to be having a great time visiting with various artisans and picking up a few pieces of local art. We've already had one special event focusing on Earth Day and more are planned for future Sunday's. Gads, it's not even May yet ! No wonder I'm behind.

Yes, I am very excited about how the Sunday Artisan Market is filling out and up this year. The energy every where is very positive and exciting and everyone seems to be having a really good time. I don't think we could ask for anything more for our start up month.

Here's to a joy filled and prosperous season!